Our condolences to any loved ones he left behind.
Please feel free to contact me at prisonabolitionist@gmail.com or 480-580-6807 if I can be of any assistance as you recover from this. I'm just a blogger and activist - not an attorney or grief counselor - but I'm willing to help connect you with support if I can. That goes for all survivors of jail and prison violence, suicide, and neglect.
To report Arizona homicides, suicides, and medical neglect to the US Department of Justice, ask for a CRIPA (Civil Rights for Institutionalized Persons) Investigation of harmful patterns and practices causing the homicide and suicide rates to double under Jan Brewer's administration as the state won't protect the interests of Arizona prisoners, whose basic human rights are being violated.
Address your concerns to:
Jonathan Smith, Chief
Special Litigation Section - Civil Rights Division
US Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20530
Please email me a copy as well.