This is an SOS to the justices of the Maricopa County Superior Court, which is filling the prisons with vulnerable people. Please contact the Department of Justice about a CRIPA investigation, or initiate an independent judicial inquiry into the doubling of the suicide and homicide rates over the past 2 1/2 years among prisoners of the Arizona Department of Corrections, and the neglect and abuse in particular of women prisoners. These folks should get you started; the list of the dead still grows...
Prisoner Names Project: Appeal to Justice
Maricopa County Superior Court /Cesar Chavez Plaza
Phoenix, AZ (August 21, 2011)
Arizona Department of Corrections' Deaths in Custody
January 2009-June 2011
(suicide & homicide rates have doubled)
Pete Calleros, Mando Lugo, Dana Seawright, Shannon Palmer, Alex Usurelu, William Gray, Ulises Rodriguez, Albert Tsosie, Sean Pierce, Michael Pompeneo
Susan Lopez, Tony Lester, Duron Cunningham, Lasasha Cherry, Geshell Fernandez, Patricia Velez, Angela Soto, Hernan Cuevas, Jerry Kulp, Robert Medina, Eric Bybee, Erick Cervantes, Rosario Bojorquez-Rodriguez, Douglas Nunn, Monte McCarty, James Adams, Patrick Lee Ross, James Jennings, Caesar Bojorquez, Angel Torres, Harvey Rymer, Dung Ung, Ronald Richie, Michael Tovar, Carey Wheatley, Michael Pellicer
Institutional INDIFFERENCE:
Brenda Todd, Marcia Powell, Tom Reed, Edgar Vega, Huberta Parlee
Pete Childs, William Engelbert, Santana Aqualais, Carl Cresong, Christopher Francis
David Moreno, Gilberto Lopez, Luis Moscoso Hernandez
To contact the DOJ:
Jonathan M. Smith, Chief
U.S. DOJ Civil Rights Division, Special Litigation Section
Patrick Henry Building / 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, D.C. 20530
(202) 514-6255
toll-free at (877) 218-5228