For Kini Seawright, and all the other women who bury a loved one due to police or prison violence...

Thursday, February 28, 2013

US Attorney Leonardo: Is Kini Seawright waiting for Godot?

 Delivering a Valentine to John S. Leonardo
40 N. Central / Two Renaissance Square
Phoenix, AZ (February 14, 2013)

The letter below was delivered to John S. Leonardo's office for Valentine's day, along with the Valentine messages we left on his sidewalk, which follow. He sure can't say he never heard of Dana Haywood Seawright now, at least. Kini has personally met and talked to at least 100 people about her son's murder in the past few weeks, all of who signed the petition.

Mr. Leonardo's office can be reached at (602) 514-750, for anyone so inclined to call and ask what the problem is...